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Phoenix CDL Training Truck Driver Job

$9,000 - $2,000 a week
Average $1,360 a week
Top 50% of drivers average $1,540 a week
Get Your CDL
Get Paid to Get Your CDL
Earnings are based on an average of actual Roehl drivers with at least one year of experience.

Job Overview

Phoenix area On-the-Job CDL Training

Roehl will pay you to get your CDL & earn a great a living in a job as a truck driver living in the Phoenix area.

Roehl Transport will pay you and train you while you get your CDL, the license you need to be a professional truck driver. If you are considering a job change, choose a career in the transportation industry.

Here are the basics of the training program:

  • You are hired and paid as an employee on day 1.
  • Training to obtain your CDL is part of the job.
  • You'll be paid while you get your CDL.
  • CDL training is three weeks.
  • Training is available in Phoenix.
  • After you have your CDL, you'll start your on-the-job training as a long haul truck driver.
  • If you were to go to a CDL school, you would not get paid while you are training AND you'd have to come up with the tuition for the school.
  • We're a stable company that provides full benefits - we invest in you.

Roehl drivers are on track to make $70k+!

We're currently accepting applications for these paid learn to drive a truck opportunities.

Roehl's been training truck drivers for more than 30 years, and we've been in business for over 60. We know how to be successful.

Where does the training take place?

At Roehl's Phoenix Terminal.
4909 W Lower Buckeye Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85043
Directions to Roehl's Phoenix Area Terminal

How do I get started in the Get Your CDL Program?

Because the demand for this popular program is so strong, we've created step-by-step instructions to help you. Please fill out the Get Started form. After that, you'll move through our learning and application process, where we ensure that you have a good understanding of the program as well as the basic qualifications and the characteristics of a truck driving job with Roehl so you can complete a thoughtful and informed application.

Join our team and grow with us!

Roehl Transport Paid CDL Training and CDL Truck Driver Job in Phoenix, AZ.

Video: Get Paid to Get Your CDL Overview

In this video, you'll hear from recent Get Your CDL program graduates, certified driver trainers, fleet managers, and other driver supporters about the process to Get Your Commercial Driver's License (CDL) and the continued training you'll receive as a part of one of North America's safest and most successful trucking companies.

Video Transcript
I had recently lost my job, and Dewey said, well can you drive a truck? I said no, but I don't see why I couldn't. I thought about it for a little while, and I knew that the joke was he thought that I could maybe drive for him, just in the interim. I decided to start looking how I would get my CDL, and Roehl came up as one of the first websites that I found. I started looking into it. I read almost everything on the website. I liked what I saw. I asked Dewey what he thought, and he said that he had met Rick Roehl, and he said, great guy, (laughs) so here I am. [Tim] There's no better place to start your career as a professional truck driver than Roehl Transport. [Josi] The first phase, you spend four weeks at one of our training facilities, making sure you're ready to take your CDL test. [Ryan] Food, room and board, and training, all while you're getting paid, that's the Get Your CDL program. It's a great program. If you're looking to get into the field, this is where you need to be. It's a safe program, it'll teach you the best practices, and you won't run into problems when you're out on the road, unless you make them. You'll know what you're doing when you get out there. They make it easy. They make it go by fast, because you're having fun, you're learning your job, and at the same time you're working. Once you've completed your CDL test successfully, then you'll meet briefly with your fleet training manager at the terminal, if you happen to be at the terminal they're located, or by video conference. You'll travel home after that meeting, and you will obtain your CDL from your home state, and then you will contact your fleet training manager, they will work out an over the road trainer to pick you up. My main objective as a driver trainer is to make sure that our trainees are prepared for the road when they get their own trucks. That includes making sure that they understand the Safe, what's expected of them and how to complete all of the tasks that we have to complete as truck drivers. So they'll drive for short periods of time while I'm watching what they're doing and paying attention to how they're making lane changes, how they're signaling, how they're using the accelerator. The very basics, but I'm also doing a lot of driving on my own and letting them do a little bit of job shadowing so that they can see what it's like to perform all of the tasks that are involved with the job. As a trainee coming to the truck, we will start you out sort of slow, give you miles the first day, next day miles, day after that miles, and of course all that's predicted on the load on where we're going, what we're doing. Usually by the end of the week or so, I try to have you up as maximum driving as much as you can. As time goes by, we'll slowly bring in more and more responsibilities, like trip planning, so now you can figure out what your route is. Start working with the shippers and receivers more, start doing some of the paperwork that's involved with that, with the bill of lading, we have trip sheets to fill out, so Roehl knows exactly what we did and our miles and who we delivered to and things like that. We also need to make sure that we're not taking long breaks or unnecessary stops, and that we're continuing moving and to have that drive and motivation to be on time, and to communicate with your fleet manager what your ETA is, so they can schedule you properly to keep you moving. Once we determine your skill sets are where they need to be to do safe, we will get you assigned a truck, we will get you back home so you can get to see your family, you can get your truck personalized with your needs, and we'll get you back out on the road to keep the economy moving. Any other profession, you always have continual training. We have Roehl University, which is absolutely an awesome program that's out there. You can go in and get your Master Driving Skills. They have all the classes loaded in there. There's business classes in there for if you're going to head toward the owner operator side of the house. I mean, this is all free to you as part of working for Roehl Transport. We have quarterly safety meetings to stay current on anything coming up. All our terminals have video screens in them and have video productions that are just like this that have all the latest and greatest information out that we require to know as drivers, so the communications is another great thing with this company. You have no doubt to know exactly what you need to know, so it's to set you up to be a successful driver and to perform well. [Josi] To be a successful driver, communication is important. Your teammates need to know what you need, so we can help you meet those needs. Over Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'm able to stay out almost the entire month of November, and then be home for almost a week over Thanksgiving to see my family, and then the same thing happens in December, where I stay out almost the entire month and get about a week off over Christmas to spend that time with my family as well. And in most other jobs, you're not going to have a week of family time when family gets together. With Roehl, you're able to do that. Being an owner operator or a lease operator is another way to control when you're home. You have more flexibility to decide what loads you're going to be taking, and where they're going to bring you and then how long you're going to stay at home once you get there. You do need to remember that when you're at home, you're not making money. I'm making more money than I was ever, in any other job I had, so it allows me to make the best out of the time that I have home, and so I really enjoy it. Be patient, understand you're not going to be great at it right away, and just stick it out, because it does get a lot better. I was one of those people who increased their pay every quarter by performing to the best of my ability, and that was really one of the big reasons that I ended up staying with Roehl. Take it a day at a time, you take your ten-hour break, you wake up, you say (sighs) yesterday's gone, today's a new day, we're going to make today a positive day, and keep that mindset, and you'll definitely go far. There's always going to be someone day in and day out to like, hey, what's going on, you all right? I got a question about this, you can even talk to your trainer. I still communicate with my trainer even though I'm on the road by myself. So you're never going to be alone. Without truck drivers, the country would literally stop. It would literally stop, so that makes me feel important to know that I'm actually doing something to better the country, being better person for myself and serving a greater purpose. You're going to walk out of this a successful driver with Roehl Transport; there's no doubt about that. Don't hesitate; don't second guess yourself. Join the team; we've got a spot for you. We'll teach you how to do it. What you see is what you get, and what you see is greatness when it comes to our company. To get your career started, head over to our website,, and fill out the get your CDL application. Once you apply, you'll be assigned a driver employment specialist, and they will walk you through the entire process, from getting your Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP) to scheduling your first day of training. Bring it. We need some motivated individuals. We've got a bunch, but we need some more. We're growing like crazy, so the more help we can get, the better. You are an integral part of that team, not only earning money for your family but helping Roehl become successful. Every load that we deliver successfully today is another future load tomorrow from that same customer.

Hiring & Operating Areas

Your operating area will depend on the fleet you are in.

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We make it easy for you. Simply fill out this form and we'll connect & match your with the driving job that best fits your needs.