Employee Benefits Overview
It’s our pleasure to offer our benefit-eligible employees a variety of solutions to help address your healthcare needs, as well as the needs of your families. Many of these benefits are paid for—in whole or in part—by Roehl. We know that a top trucking company provides top benefits!
And, as a member of TeamRoehl, you'll enjoy access to a robust lineup of employee benefit options. Whatever stage of life you’re in – it’s likely we have something that supports your particular needs.
Roehl Benefits Summary
You will find summary information about your benefit programs—information you need to make the best benefit decisions, whether you’re making annual enrollment elections, enrolling for the first time or changing your benefits due to a qualified family status change. Please take the time to review this information carefully. Whether you’re an employee of Roehl or the family member of a Roehl employee, as you read further, we’re sure you’ll begin to recognize what sets us apart as a company— from comprehensive benefits to daily operations based on sound values. With us, you enjoy a LOT!
Comprehensive Benefits Package
- Health Insurance - Through Anthem BlueCross BlueShield. We offer a choice of two different health insurance plans - Silver or Gold - coupled with a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Both Plans offer in-network and out-of-network benefits as well as prescription drug coverage.
- Telehealth Services- Free telehealth medical and mental health services through LiveHealth Online. Available to those enrolled in the health insurance.
- Physical Therapy Services – Free physical therapy services through Doctors of Physical Therapy (DPT). Available to those enrolled in the health insurance.
- Chronic Condition Wellness Programming – Free to you online wellness programming focused on Diabetes, Hypertension, and Prevention. Available to those enrolled in the health insurance that meet applicable clinical requirements.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
- FSAs - Through Diversified Benefit Services, Inc. We offer both health FSAs and dependent care FSAs. This allows you to pay certain health and dependent care expenses with “untaxed” dollars.
- Dental Insurance - Through Delta Dental. Our dental plan is designed to encourage prevention of serious dental problems by helping you pay the cost of routine diagnostic and preventative care.
- Vision Insurance – Through Delta Vision. Our vision plan is designed to help cover the expense of exams, lenses, contacts, etc.
- Short-Term Income Protection and Long Term Disability – Through Voya Financial. Provides a benefit if you suffer a non-occupational illness or injury that prevents you from working.
Life Insurance
- Basic Life Insurance - Administered by Voya Financial. You are covered by a life insurance benefit of $20,000 with additional coverage for the same amount in the event of accidental death or dismemberment. This increases to 1x your salary after your first year of employment.
- Supplemental Life Insurance - Administered by Voya Financial. You may elect supplemental life insurance in increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $500,000.
Voluntary Insurance Benefits
- Accident Insurance – Through Voya. Helps you with out-of-pocket costs that arise from a covered accident.
- Critical Illness Insurance – Through Voya. Pays a lump-sum benefit if you are diagnosed with a covered illness or condition, such as a heart attack or stroke.
Employee Assistance Program
- Free confidential counseling is available for personal and work-life issues. For more information, please visit our Employee Assistance Program page.
Paid Time Off
Retirement Package
- 401(k) - Administered by Empower Retirement. The Roehl 401(k) plan makes long-term saving easy and profitable.
- Profit Sharing - One of the rewards of a successful year is the additional money you can receive through the profit-sharing plan. You become eligible for profit sharing after six months and at least 1,000 hours of service.
Financial Benefits
- Prudential Pathways – through Prudential. Offers financial wellness resources and webinars to help you manage your day-to-day finances, achieve your financial goals, and protect you from financial risk. No enrollment is necessary, this is automatically offered to you as an employee of Roehl.
Benefit Eligibility and Coverage Effective Dates
Who is eligible for our benefit plans?
Employees of Roehl that work 30 hours per week or more are eligible to participate in the Roehl benefits program. 7-On/7-Off, 7-On/4-Off—7-On/3-Off and 14-On/7-Off drivers are considered full-time employees for benefits.
Your lawful spouse and children (up to age 26) are also eligible to participate. If your spouse is eligible for health insurance at their employer, they must take that coverage in order to receive secondary coverage under the Roehl plan. Unmarried children of any age who are disabled (disability must have occurred before the child turned 26) and meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the Summary Plan Description (SPD) are also eligible to participate.
Coverage Effective Dates
Coverage effective dates vary. Please see our Benefits Eligiblity page for specific details.
When and How to Enroll in Benefits
You are eligible to enroll in benefits prior to your effective date of coverage. Employees or their spouses can complete the enrollment process through online enrollment or by speaking with a benefits enroller. Access your enrollment options using our Benefit Enrollment page.
Health Insurance
We offer a choice of two different health insurance plans as well as four different coverage options. Our plans are called the Silver Plan and the Gold Plan. Both Plans offer in-network and out-of-network benefits as well as prescription drug coverage.
Within each plan, you are able to choose from the following coverage options:
- Employee Only
- Employee and Spouse
- Employee and Kids
- Family
To learn more, visit our Health Insurance page.
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Our FSAs allow you the option of pre-tax pay deductions for unreimbursed health expenses and child/dependent care expenses. Learn more about by reading ourFlexible Spending Account benefit page.
Dental Insurance
Our dental plan is designed to encourage prevention of serious dental problems by helping you pay the cost of routine diagnostic and preventive care, as well as to help pay the expense of major dental repairs or replacement of teeth when needed. Your spouse and dependents are also entitled to receive benefits under the dental plan.
Learn more about Roehl's Dental Insurance.
Vision Insurance
The vision plan is designed to help cover the expense of exams, lenses, contacts, etc. Your cost will be paid through pay deduction and will be paid with pre-tax dollars. Your spouse and dependents are also entitled to receive benefits under the vision plan.
Learn more by by visiting our Vision Insurance page.
Benefit Rates
You can access benefits rates using this link to our Rates page.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Benefit Plan
Roehl provides a unique health and wellness benefit program aimed at diagnosing and treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a condition in which the flow of air pauses or decreases during breathing while asleep because the airway has become narrowed, blocked or floppy. Left untreated, OSA can contribute to a whole host of health problems not the least of which is being fatigued.
To learn more, visit our OSA Benefit page.
Short-Term Income Protection (STIP) and Long-Term Disability (LTD) Plans
Short-Term Income Protection (STIP) and Long-Term Disability (LTD) Plans provide you a benefit if you suffer a non-occupational injury or illness that prevents you from working. The short-term coverage is through the Short-Term Income Protection Plan (STIP), which the insurance administrator calls Short-Term Disability (STD). The long-term coverage is through the Long-Term Disability Plan (LTD). (Please recognize that the term “disability” is an insurance company product label.)
Learn more about Roehl's Short-Term Income Protection (STIP) and Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits.
Life Insurance
Basic Life Insurance
Your life insurance plan is designed to provide financial protection for you and your family. Coverage under this basic life insurance program is available for employees.
Supplemental Term Life Insurance
You may elect supplemental life insurance for yourself, for your spouse and for your children. More information is available on our Supplemental Term Life Insurance page.
Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) is a no-cost assistance program that provides support, resources and information for personal and work-life issues. This program is available to Roehl employees as well as their dependents.
For more details, visit our Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) page.
The Roehl 401(k) plan makes long-term saving easy and profitable in a number of ways:
You can save from 1% to 40% of your wages.
Your 401(k) savings are deducted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis, lowering your current tax bill.
You pay no income taxes on your 401(k) contributions, company profit-sharing contributions or any investment earnings as long as the money stays in the plan.
You may choose to contribute after-tax dollars through a 401(k) ROTH account. Upon retirement age, all withdrawals from your ROTH account would be tax free.
You decide how to invest your retirement savings from a number of investment funds.
Because of the size of Roehl’s retirement plan we are able to offer mutual fund share classes with much lower management fees than we, as individual investors, have access to. The returns on the funds you are invested in are reported net of these asset management fees.
Through the loan provision, you may borrow up to 50% of your vested account balance as long as you remain employed with Roehl.
Learn more about our 401(k) and Profit Sharing benefits.
Profit Sharing
One of the rewards of a successful year is the additional money you receive through the profit-sharing plan. When we have a profitable year, the executive leadership group makes a decision on the contribution to the profit-sharing plan. We have made a profit-sharing contribution every year for more than 40 years. We’re proud to provide this additional reward to you based upon the success of the entire team. Learn more about Profit Sharing.
Vacation and Holidays
Time off from work is important to you and to us. When you use your paid vacation time for leisure activities, it’s a refreshing change and will help you maintain your focus when you return to work. Learn more about Vacation and Holidays benefits.
Voluntary Insurance Benefits
Unlike our group health plans, these plans are totally owned and controlled by you. Because you own your policies, your coverage is portable, meaning you can take your policy with you if you leave the company or retire. Premiums are paid through convenient pay deduction, eliminating the need to worry about writing checks and mailing payments each month. Learn more about Roehl's Voluntary Insurance Benefits.
Other FAQ
If you have other questions about the benefits that Roehl provides, visit out Benefits Frequently Asked Questions page.
This page was updated on: 8/1/2024